
Demand Driven Acqusition (DDA)
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You can decide which e-books will be acquired by the Library. You can choose from the 200,000 titles of e-books offered.
Every month the Library allocates a certain amount of money from its budget for buying e-books in the DDA service.
The red button next to an e-book title: – means that it is not yet owned by BUW, but will be purchased automatically by the Library if you:
– download the entire e-book,
– display it for over 10 minutes,
– open over 10 pages,
– print, email, copy and paste part of a page from an e-book.
Before buying, we recommend that you review the content of the chosen e-book in Google Book Preview
If you are convinced that the chosen title should belong to the permanent BUW collection, press the button
Access to the text is possible only for one logged-in, simultaneous user. You can make reservation for the e-book being currently used. You will be informed by email when the book is available.
Attention! Other e-resources, including e-books already purchased by the Library, can be found through the Multi-search tool as well as through Online Resources.

CUP Colection
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A collection of law and psychology books by Cambridge University Press.

Dawsonera - electronic books

Attention! Dawsoner eBooks have been transferred to VLeBooks.

Please also note that your personal settings / files will not be automatically transferred to the new platform.

Entering the database via the VLeBooks tab.

Academic Research Source (EBSCO)
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Academic Research Source – multidisciplinary collection, which consists of two parts:

  • Academic Research Source eJournals – over 5,000 international journals, including approximately 570 Polish scientific journals,
  • Academic Research Source eBooks – over 180,000 electronic books.

Attention! Academic Research Source eBooks database will replace the existing eBook Academic Collection.

  multidisciplinary full-text

IBUK Libra - electronic books
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The IBUK Libra platform, owned by Polish Scientific Publishers PWN, was launched in 2007. Since then it has provided access to electronic publications and, for those who are interested, other educational resources from the PWN Group portfolio. The virtual reading room comprises a collection of a dozen or so thousands of specialist, scientific, popular-science and fiction books published by the most important and renowned Polish publishing houses.

PWN Oxford Dictionary – 1 000 000 English and Polish lexical items meanings, words, typical word collocations, phrases and idioms

Ebookpoint BIBLIO (Helion)
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A multimedia digital library containing approx. 7.000 publications, mainly by Helion and Onepress, in three formats (e-books, audiobooks, video courses) in the following areas:

  • Technique and Mechanics
  • Operating Systems
  • Electronics
  • Graphics / Video / CAX
  • Programming
  • Computer Networks
  • Big Data
  • Machine Learning
  • Mobile devices
  • Web development
  • Office
  • Development tools
  • Popular science and academic
  • Business and Economy
  • Foreign Languages
  • Mathematics

Books can be read by 5 users simultaneously.

To download / borrow a book, you must create an individual user account on the platform.

Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics Online
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The Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics offers a comprehensive overview of the languages of the Slavic language family and the different ways in which they are and have been studied. It provides authoritative treatment of all important aspects of the Slavic language family from its Indo-European origins to the present day, as well as consideration of interaction of Slavic with other languages.

JSTOR Open Access Books - electronic books

Enter to base

Open access electronic books (no login required). The list of available titles can be found on the publisher’s website.


ProQuest Ebook Central
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There are 92 publications in the collection that you can see when you click Search.
To download a book, you must have an account on the platform.

ScienceDirect e-books (Elsevier)
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The Elsevier national license has been extended to include a book package (list of titles). Books are available on the current ScienceDirect publisher platform in the Books tab.
To access full-text titles, use the All Access Types filter on the right side of the screen and select Full-text access.

SpringerLink - electronic books
UW computers Home computers

Springer books: archives of book series, including 17 series from the first volume to the year 2008 and further 9 series with archives from 1997-2008 (see list of titles of all volumes in book series) and a full collection of 3009 electronic books issued by Springer in the year 2005. Physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering sciences.

UW computers Home computers

On this platform there is a multidisciplinary collection of English manuals, these are books transferred from the Dawsoner database and one new title.

Wiley Online Library - electronic books
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A multidisciplinary collection of electronic books. List of available titles in the publisher’s directory.
In order to view books, in the Publications tab, select Books (on the right side of the screen). Active access only to publications marked with an open padlock symbol.


Icons: Freepik (www.freepik.com) from www.flaticon.com, Retina Display Icons (www.iconfinder.com/iconsets/TWG_Retina_Icons) from The Working Group (blog.twg.ca).